About Luis

By learning to flow, you discover how to be a better version of yourself. ~Barefoot Doctor

If you're reading this page, then it is more than likely that you want to learn about me and my practice. Here is a brief synopsis of my health journey over the years.

At the age of 7, I was diagnosed with a severe spinal deformity due to severe scoliosis that resulted in my having a 22-inch curve on one side of my body. As the years progressed, the pain became worse and there were few avenues of care that could help how my body was feeling. During that time, I began to apply several techniques of care to my body which included chiropractic, physical therapy, and other modalities that did help remediate the challenges somewhat. However, while seeking out to advance my studies within those fields, my nervous system suffered a severe issue and I needed to pivot away from that goal.

In that time, my dedication to learning rehabilitation work and attaining a masterā€™s degree in that discipline, as well as massage therapy, helped solidify that there was more than initial thought to life. I then sought out advanced skills in communication, coaching, human performance and health. That took me to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Maryland University of Integrative Health to become a certified health and wellness coach.

In my private practice, there have been many iterations as to what coaching and consulting would look like, which took me around the world, including Europe and Asia. During that time, there has been a personal evolution in what coaching in the modern world means, especially once the world stopped as we knew it in 2019. During that time, there has been an increase in questions, tension, and loss of faith in humanity. This has caused a tailspin of depression, obesity, death, and despair.

Within that time, I also chose to become reskilled in my approach to life and completed my second masters program in digital forensics. This has allowed me to dive deeper into the digital landscape, and understand the light and dark of the way the internet works, and how it affects the human culture in very profound ways. It has also taken me to some darker parts of the internet, which shows that we have a lot of work to do within ourselves and those around us.

Thus, this practice is again evolving, and with that, an opening of further concepts and techniques that matter most to the digital age. Within this work, the revelation of faith and human existence has also come into play. Therefore, if it is pertinent, it will be brought up during sessions that deal with the deeper portions of the human condition.

Here are some bible verses that could guideĀ our sessions:

Philippians 2:3-4 ESV
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Proverbs 12:15 ESV
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

Lastly, holistic health and vitality with a bit of modern wisdom. There needs to be the ability to shift stimulation within your life as this modern lifestyle blasts the human body in various ways, and we have poor recovery after. This can involve mitigation techniques and restorative techniques such as Qigong and Acupressure.

I look forward to helping you reach a better quality of life when we speak. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

With love always,

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